The constant increase in the amount of business has made it possible to develop a 20,000 m² covered industrial complex, spreading over an area of 40,000 m², in which we perform all the production related activities of our various departments:
– ALUMINIUM department (Façades and frames)
– IRON department (Steel support structures and metal sheets)
– PANEL department (Ventilated façades and partitions)
– SURFACE TREATMENTS department (Painting and oxidation)
Administrative Offices and the Technical Office are also located at our Headquarters, with a total staff of over 100 employees.
The Sales Department has a presence both at the Headquarter in Calcinelli and in the Sales Office of Rome, and it is supported by a Technical-Sales Office located in Milan.
ISA SPA, always striving to be active and dynamic, has taken a leading position in Italy, assuming and developing a specialist role with the most modern technical solutions in the field of Curtain Wall production and any other type of aluminum doors and windows.